Elistair has equipped the Nigerian Police Forces with UAV’s for border security
Elistair has announced that it has equipped the Nigerian Police Forces with Orions UAVs, as part of the reinforcement of their border security.
Following the delivery of the UAV’s and the training of the police forces in Abuja at the beginning of 2022, the tethered drones are now deployed on a daily basis for homeland security, anti-crime and anti-terrorism missions.
Through using the Orions, the Police have already successfully identified armed terrorist groups thanks to the ability to discretely observe and detect threats over a radius of several kilometres, during 24-hour flights.
“The drones assist the Police in monitoring active crime scenes, coordinating response operations, and providing aerial support to responding officers” – Nigerian Police
Deployable in minutes and easily transportable, the Orion allows operators to quickly create a discreet checkpoint, over several hours, and with a minimal logistic footprint.
Elistair has opened an office in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in April 2021 to increase its presence and proximity to its customers in West Africa.