Guardia Civil dismantles electric scooter gang
The Guardia Civil of the Guadalajara Command, within the framework of the Operation CAFELITOS, has dismantled a criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking that operated in the province of Guadalajara. About 1 kilogram of cocaine, various amounts of glass, marijuana, hashish, viagra tablets and 5 kilograms of cutting substance have been seized. 3 vehicles, 5 electric scooters and nearly 30,000 euros have also been intervened.
Since last March 2019, agents of the Guardia Civil of Molina de Aragón had been investigating a group of people who were engaging in drug trafficking, mainly cocaine, and who had caused great social alarm among the inhabitants of the region of Molina de Aragón.
Following the detection of this criminal group, the Organized Crime and Anti-drug Team of the Guadalajara Guardia Civil took over the investigations, led by the Head of the Court of First Instance and Instruction of Molina de Aragón.
As a result of the first investigations, it was possible to determine that this criminal organization had its “headquarters” in Guadalajara capital and distributed the drug to consumers in the towns of Molina de Aragón, Cifuentes, Trillo, Brihuega, Alcolea del Pinar, Mondéjar, Yunquera de Henares, Almoguera and Almadrones.
The members of this organization were supplied with narcotic substances through two other individuals belonging to another criminal organization based in the towns of Alcalá de Henares and Torrejón del Ardoz.
For the final distribution of the drug to consumers, the organization used two young people who used electric scooters to quickly deliver the narcotic drugs.
Results of the Operation
After the first investigations and focused on the objectives of the operation, 11 house searches were made in different locations in Guadalajara and the Community of Madrid.
As a result of the searches carried out, the following narcotic substances and effects were seized:
- About 1 kilogram of cocaine
- Different amounts MDMA (glass), Poppers, marijuana, hashish and viagra tablets
- 5 kilograms of cutting substances for drug adulteration and various tools for its preparation, such as hydraulic presses, grinders, precision scales, packaging machines …
- 5 electric scooters, 3 vehicles, two of them high-end valued at more than 100,000 euros.
- 29,075 euros.
So far, 19 people of different nationalities, aged between 24 and 45, have been detained.
This operation has broken up a major criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking that had been operating in the province of Guadalajara for quite some time.