Record smuggling of hashish seized in Poland
Officers from the Bug River Border Guard Unit, operating under the supervision of the National Prosecutor’s Office, seized a record transport of 244.5 kilograms of hashish with a black market value of over PLN 12 million. The drugs were hidden in the semi-trailer of a truck held for inspection in the Siedlce poviat. Two drivers of a controlled vehicle were arrested for the case.
The truck was detained for inspection on October 9 this year, in the town of Zbuczyn in the Siedlce poviat, on the E30 road. According to the uniforms, a significant amount of drugs could be transported in a truck traveling from one of the Western European countries.
As a result of the inspection and the search of the vehicle with a dog trained to detect drugs, it turned out that 14 sports bags containing oval cubes of brown resin substance were hidden in the construction space of the trailer. An analysis carried out at the Forensic Laboratory of the Border Guard in Warsaw showed that it is high-quality hash. The value of the drugs secured is as much as PLN 12,225,349.50.
In connection with the disclosed illegal transport, two men, Lithuanian citizens, who were traveling in a controlled truck set, were detained. The prosecutor accused them of participating in an organized criminal group and of attempting to export large amounts of hashish from the territory of Poland to Belarus. The suspects were placed in pre-trial detention. They are threatened with 3 to 15 years imprisonment for the committed acts.