Vision-Box release their new virtual travel assistant
Vision-Box unveils Avatar, a new and unique life-like virtual travel assistant to help passengers on their way through the airport providing a passenger-centric experience. Avatar incorporates a human element into the hardware to better connect with passengers, transform and elevate their behavior, aid in their journeys and better communicate the client’s brand.
For travel and border control markets that want to improve their passenger’s experience, Avatar has been developed as the first premium feature on the market that enhances the passenger experience through the unidirectional interaction and communication of a 3D element to facilitate the use of the seamless gate.
The Avatar instructs the traveller as a human would, with actions and instructions making the experience familiar and easy to understand. By creating an emotional link with the traveler, stress levels are relieved and natural collaboration improved leading to better data quality capture.
Customization of the Avatar to match the client’s brand and image fasten the connection between the traveller and Avatar.