Frontex attended the EFFECTOR Greek Maritime Trial
Frontex attended the EFFECTOR Greek Maritime Trial in the Regional Integrated Border Management and Migration Centre (RIBMMC) of the Hellenic Police in Alexandroupolis. EFFECTOR is an Innovation Project initiated in October 2020, carried out in the framework of the EU Research and Innovation Programme (Horizon 2020).
The EFFECTOR project focused on improving maritime situational awareness by making better use of maritime surveillance systems and data sharing, which would lead to faster detection of new events and better-informed decision making. The project drew from previous research studies and its final solution was tested, validated and demonstrated in real operational scenarios, together with maritime authorities, end users and practitioners.
The main outcomes of the project included the implementation of interoperability framework and associated data fusion and analytics services for maritime surveillance, implementation of multi-layered data lake platform, and enhancement of operational efficiency and reduction of operational costs in multi-state operations.
The Greek Maritime Trial organised by the Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA, Greece) and technically supervised by the Satways Ltd. company focused on testing specific components of the EFFECTOR platform based on the integration of surveillance systems and sensors deployed in the field (e.g. maritime means, unmanned aerial vehicles, radio frequency detectors, thermal vision cameras, radars, telecommunications, meteorological stations, etc.). The project team. ran two operational scenarios which could be followed from the Regional Integrated Border Management and Migration Centre of the Hellenic Police.
The project is coordinated by the Secrétariat général de la mer (France) with 16 participants from six countries, including the Hellenic Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Hellenic Police, Hellenic Ministry of Defence, Portuguese Navy, Administration for Maritime Safety and Port Management of Montenegro and Bulgarian Executive Agency for Maritime Administration.