Human TraffickingNews

More than 100 foreign citizens detected at the border in a week

The border police on the Romanian border with Hungary and Serbia discovered during this week more than 100 foreign citizens who tried to cross the border illegally, hidden in vehicles or on foot. Drivers of means of transport are investigated for migrant trafficking, and foreign citizens for attempted fraudulent crossing of the state border.

The border police officers from the Territorial Inspectorate of the Oradea Border Police – Border Police Sectors Nădlac, Borş and Vărşand detected in a week, as part of several actions carried out in the line of preventing and combating illegal migration, both at the border crossing points and and in the green zone, 100 migrants who tried to illegally cross the border into Hungary.

Most of them were discovered in the Nădlac II Border Crossing Point, on the way out of the country, hidden in goods transport vehicles driven by Romanian, Turkish and Bulgarian citizens. The vehicles were loaded with various goods (auto parts, sunflower seeds, metal profiles) and were to arrive in Western European countries.

The persons discovered came from countries such as Bangladesh, Syria, Egypt, India, Nepal, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and entered our country legally.

Also during this week, the border police officers from the Territorial Inspectorate of the Border Police Timişoara – Border Police Sectors Jimbolia and Cruceni detected 8 foreign citizens near the border with Serbia who were moving on foot towards the border line.

Following the checks carried out, it was established that the persons, who did not justify their presence in the area, are originally from Nepal, entered Romania legally on the basis of work visas and intended to cross the state border to reach Serbia and later in western European countries.

Taking into account the aspects found, in all cases the border police have started investigations in terms of committing the crimes of migrant trafficking for drivers and attempted fraudulent crossing of the state border for citizens detected hiding in the green zone, following that, upon their completion, to order the necessary legal measures.