Illegal migrants detained crossing the border from Lithuania to Poland
Officers from the Polish Border Guard Post in Gołdap stopped a Saab passenger car with Polish registration numbers for a road inspection in the Rutka-Sawmill commune. The driver was a citizen of Ukraine who was transporting foreigners. There were 4 citizens of Iraq and 2 Egyptians in the car.
From May 9 to yesterday, officers from the W-MOSG revealed during roadside checks 70 foreigners who had illegally crossed the Lithuanian-Polish border. The detainees included citizens of countries such as Iraq – 53, Afghanistan – 8, Iran – 3, Tajikistan and Egypt, 2 inhabitants of these countries each, 1 citizen from Syria and 1 from Turkey. The drivers, on the other hand, were mostly citizens of Ukraine, then Georgia, Latvia, Denmark, and even a courier from Israel.
Mostly, “carriers” drove vehicles with Polish registration numbers. There were also Ukrainian, Czech and Latvian cars.
Both the couriers and the detained foreigners were dealt with by colleagues from the Podlasie Border Guard Unit.