Eleven Asian citizens found hidden in the trunk of a car and the trailer of a truck
Eleven Asian citizens found hidden in the trunk of a car and the traile
At the Nădlac II Border Crossing Point, Romania, a Romanian citizen, driving a truck registered in Romania, showed up for the border formalities, on the way out of the country.
During the physical check on the vehicle border guards discovered, hidden in the trunk, four foreign nationals.
The persons were taken and transported to the headquarters of the sector for investigations where, following the verifications, the border police established that they are citizens of Sri Lanka, aged between 26 and 48 years. The persons in question entered the country on the basis of valid personal documents and intended to enter a Schengen area illegally.
In Bihor County, a Bulgarian citizen showed up for the border formalities driving a vehicle, consisting of a tractor trailor and a semi-trailer, and was transporting refrigerators from Bulgaria.
During the physical inspection of the vehicle, seven foreign nationals were discovered hidden in the cargo compartment of his car.
During the investigation, the border guards determined that they were citizens of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, who intended to fraudulently reach a state in the Schengen area.