
Ministry of Internal Affairs detains 3 people on charges of illegal group crossing at Georgian state border

Border police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have detained 3 citizens of the Republic of India as a result of operative-investigative measures. They are accused of illegally crossing the state border of Georgia in groups.

The offense carries a maximum sentence of 4 to 5 years in prison.

The investigation established that the defendants crossed the Georgian state border illegally from the Republic of Armenia in groups.

Investigation is underway on the facts of illegal, group crossing of the state border of Georgia, according to Article 344, Part 2, Subparagraph “a” of the Criminal Code of Georgia.

The Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has charged 92 citizens of different countries, including: Republic of Turkey – 35, India – 9, Iran – 4, Palestine – 4, Morocco – 1 and Algerian – 1 citizen.