Six Syrian citizens hidden by the lid method in two wooden crates, detected in PTF Calafat
At the Calafat-Vidin Border Crossing Point, a Bulgarian citizen, aged 50, driving a minibus, registered in Bulgaria, presented himself to enter the country . The driver was transporting medical masks on the Bulgaria-Romania route.
Based on the risk analysis, a thorough check of the means of transport was carried out, together with the Bulgarian border police, thus discovering six male persons hidden in two wooden crates using the lid method.
During the investigations, no identity documents were discovered on the men in question, they verbally declared that they were Syrian citizens and that they boarded the minibus in a parking lot in the town of Sofia, in Bulgaria, helped by the driver.
They also reported that they paid amounts between 5,000 – 7,000 euros, per person, to be transported illegally from Turkey to Germany.
At the same time, based on the Romanian-Bulgarian protocol, the driver, the minibus and the six foreign citizens were taken over by the representatives of the Bulgarian Border Police in order to continue the investigations and arrange the necessary legal measures.