Frontex statement following the conclusions of the Extraordinary Management Board meeting
Following the Extraordinary Frontex Management Board meeting on 28-29 April and the resignation of the Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri. Aija Kalnaja, Deputy Executive Director for Standing Corps Management will lead the Agency until the Frontex Management Board appoints the Executive Director ad interim at its next meeting in June 2022.
Ms Kalnaja is the longest serving of all the three Deputy Executive Directors and she will deputise for the vacant Executive Director function with the support of Uku Sarekanno, Deputy Executive Director for Information Management and Processes and Lars Gerdes, Deputy Executive Director for Returns and Operations.
The Agency will continue to provide operational support and improved situational awareness to Member States and Schengen Associated Countries in full compliance with fundamental rights, the principles of rule of law and ensuring transparency in all its activities.
In its role, the Frontex Executive Management remains committed to implementing the mandate of Frontex in close cooperation with its stakeholders and making the EU’s external borders more secure.