Justice and Home Affairs Council and launch of Support Hub in Moldova
The Czech EU Presidency invited EU home affairs ministers, the European Commission, the European Parliament, JHA agencies, but also Ukrainian and Moldovan ministers to discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on security and cross-border crime, EU external borders’ management and challenges related to migration. Frontex Executive Director a.i. Aija Kalnaja briefed the Council on the agency’s response to the crisis and how Frontex jointly with other agencies and Member States is tackling arising challenges and threats.
The ministers agreed on the need for close cooperation with Ukrainian and Moldovan authorities and that the EU Member States, Ukraine and Moldova should systematically exchange data on the investigations of human trafficking, document forgery, money laundering, arms trafficking, and other types of crime as well as on hybrid threats related to the war in Ukraine. Europol, Frontex, and Eurojust should play an important role in sharing information with Ukraine and Moldova.
On the margins of the Council, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson, Moldovan Interior Minister Ana Revenco and Frontex Executive Director a.i. Aija Kalnaja took part in the launch of the EU Support Hub for Internal Security and Border Management in Moldova.
A Frontex officer deployed to the Hub in Chişinău will coordinate with the Moldovan authorities the support that Frontex provides in border management and detection of cross-border crime, especially firearms trafficking.